
Drupal Commerce, automatic product display generation module.

Comparing Ubercart and Drupal Commerce I've made a conclusion that Commerce is better. At first glance, commerce is very and very complicated but it worth to be understood. I can easily explain why, my expirience with Ubercart is quite enough to understand it's illogical nature. For example you need to create multicurrency store, Commerce have nice multicurrency module (in later articles i'll explain how to use it). Ubercart on the contrary doesn't have it. More over Commerce has friendly api and  a lot of examples for developpers.

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Drupal Commerce add to cart form alter enabling radio, titles, product image, and price

Any e-shop owner whant to show all possible product variations (i mean variations wich depends on attributes: color, size, etc). In drupal commerce product display are shown with only one commerce product and it changes after customer select another item in select list. Being honest its not quite comfortable. That is why we have done form alter which changes select list on radio, also shows product titles, image, and price.

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Automatic product display creation while creating product type in drupal commerce

This post is just a repost of drupal.org information. The link to this post was lost unfortunately but information is very helpfull, so let's begin. In drupal commerce creating product display is separated from creating product type. it means that one product type can have multiple product displays. But in most cases we don't need such functionality, then we should implement one rule using the module with the same name - Rules.

Subscriptions taxonomy from multiple vocabularies (Drupal 6)

Sometimes the needed functionality that goes beyond the boundaries of what we have.
But the problem is trivial, and there is no solution - we have to finish her ​​decision on the basis of existing modules.

So, the problem is to select the module Substsriptions terms from different vocabularies s

o that the filtered material in the subscription as the "AND" rather than "OR".

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Get image style url in field template (Drupal 7)

We have got certain image style url in field--image.tpl.php template for implement fancybox gallery. We need link to different size image as a wrapper for this image thumbnail.


<a href="style/large/image.jpg"><image src="style/thumb/image.jpg" /></a>

Solution (put to field--image.tpl.php "foreach ($items AS $item)" loop):

$item['#path']['path'] = file_create_url(image_style_path('large', $item['#item']['uri']));
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